Brewing recipe calculator from what you have?
(too old to reply)
2015-04-15 09:14:31 UTC
Is there a beer recipe calculator that shows what beer you can brew when
telling him what malts and other things you have?
2015-04-15 14:25:02 UTC
Post by rageofhonor
Is there a beer recipe calculator that shows what beer you can brew when
telling him what malts and other things you have?
The closest thing off the top of my head is searching brewtoad.com with
Google. For instance:

pilsner "special b" hallertau 1318 site:brewtoad.com

"maris otter" cluster us05 -crystal site:brewtoad.com

Obviously that won't do more than narrow things down, so it won't help if
you're looking for something with exactly 6 ounces of Special B and 2
ounces of Hallertau if their only recipe has 5 ounces of Special B and 2.5
ounces of Hallertau. And if someone calls a malt "M. Otter" instead of
"Maris Otter" you may miss something.
