Gluten Free Beer recipies??
(too old to reply)
2004-12-14 15:35:26 UTC
I have done a google search, however, I was wondering if anyone here
had any recipies they would be willing to share that they have had
success with. I'm getting ready to attempt this for my wife's
girlfriend who has Ciliac's disease.

And yes, I know all about it not "really being beer" due to lack of
wheat or barley....but I gotta try it anyway.

Thanks a ton
2004-12-14 18:35:29 UTC
Post by PapaSmurf64
I have done a google search, however, I was wondering if anyone here
had any recipies they would be willing to share that they have had
success with. I'm getting ready to attempt this for my wife's
girlfriend who has Ciliac's disease.
Check out:
for the little info that I've seen on it... it's a starting point.
Post by PapaSmurf64
And yes, I know all about it not "really being beer" due to lack of
wheat or barley....but I gotta try it anyway.
Sure it's beer!!!! Looking on www.dictionary.com at the various
definitions of beer, nowhere do they require it to have wheat or barley.
Just "malt" or "cereals" ... and you can make gluten free beer from
malted white sorghum (per those links), as well as other grains.

2004-12-14 20:43:56 UTC
Post by PapaSmurf64
I have done a google search, however, I was wondering if anyone here
had any recipies they would be willing to share that they have had
success with. I'm getting ready to attempt this for my wife's
girlfriend who has Ciliac's disease.
There is regular discussion on this topic down at oz.craftbrewer.org,
you might want to search the archives there.
brewiki: http://www.metrak.com/wiki/homebrew/
Brewsta: http://sourceforge.net/projects/brewsta/
2004-12-15 01:34:24 UTC
I brewed a light lager with all rice extract, Saaz hops and lager yeast that
was quite tasty.

Post by PapaSmurf64
I have done a google search, however, I was wondering if anyone here
had any recipies they would be willing to share that they have had
success with. I'm getting ready to attempt this for my wife's
girlfriend who has Ciliac's disease.
And yes, I know all about it not "really being beer" due to lack of
wheat or barley....but I gotta try it anyway.
Thanks a ton
2004-12-15 05:02:16 UTC
You need to do a single cell yeast culture to avoid any gluten in the
yeast slurry to be 100% on this.
Dan Listermann
2004-12-15 14:36:06 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
You need to do a single cell yeast culture to avoid any gluten in the
yeast slurry to be 100% on this.
Dry yeast is gluten free as it is grown in a molassas solution.

Dan Listermann
