2015-01-12 22:45:24 UTC
I'm planning on taking a stab at a seefbier, an old Belgian style that
sounds sort of like a wit with some buckwheat added. It sounds like a
good summer beer:
Has anyone used buckwheat? I'm trying to get a sense of how much to
add. I have decent experience with the oats and wheat and of course the
barley, but haven't used buckwheat before.
Is there a minimum threshold for a notable flavor contribution, or an
upper limit beyond which it starts getting overpowering? Insert the
usual bit about how tastes are subjective here -- I'm basically curious
on how noticable its flavor is and in what concentrations. Basically,
my goal is that I want enough to be noticable without being the dominant
flavor in the beer.
Any other issues, like conversion, gumming up the mash, etc.?
My basic thinking is around 10-12 lbs total of malt, around 50% barley
(pale malt), 30% wheat, 15% buckwheat and 5% oats, hopped with saaz and
a wit yeast. No other flavor adds like in wit, though -- no coriander,
orange, etc.
sounds sort of like a wit with some buckwheat added. It sounds like a
good summer beer:
Has anyone used buckwheat? I'm trying to get a sense of how much to
add. I have decent experience with the oats and wheat and of course the
barley, but haven't used buckwheat before.
Is there a minimum threshold for a notable flavor contribution, or an
upper limit beyond which it starts getting overpowering? Insert the
usual bit about how tastes are subjective here -- I'm basically curious
on how noticable its flavor is and in what concentrations. Basically,
my goal is that I want enough to be noticable without being the dominant
flavor in the beer.
Any other issues, like conversion, gumming up the mash, etc.?
My basic thinking is around 10-12 lbs total of malt, around 50% barley
(pale malt), 30% wheat, 15% buckwheat and 5% oats, hopped with saaz and
a wit yeast. No other flavor adds like in wit, though -- no coriander,
orange, etc.