Favorite Carb Level For Cider?
(too old to reply)
2021-10-03 04:02:22 UTC
I'm about to carb up a batch of slightly sweet hard apple cider, about 5%
abv, and I'm just curious if anyone has subjective opinions about carb
levels -- still, low carbing, or heavy carbing?

I know people have preferences all over the map, but I'm curious if any
readers here have a deeper explanation for what the like and why. Maybe
they find high carbonation tends to wipe out the aroma, or maybe too low
tends to make cider seem dull -- whatever people think is something I'd
like to consider.
Bob F
2021-10-03 18:04:28 UTC
Post by Baloonon
I'm about to carb up a batch of slightly sweet hard apple cider, about 5%
abv, and I'm just curious if anyone has subjective opinions about carb
levels -- still, low carbing, or heavy carbing?
I know people have preferences all over the map, but I'm curious if any
readers here have a deeper explanation for what the like and why. Maybe
they find high carbonation tends to wipe out the aroma, or maybe too low
tends to make cider seem dull -- whatever people think is something I'd
like to consider.
I do not find it too critical. I usually keep mine around 10-15 psi.
Mine is in kegs, and drops sometimes to around 5 where it starts to flow
slow, reminding me to add some more.
2021-10-11 01:42:07 UTC
Post by Bob F
Post by Baloonon
I'm about to carb up a batch of slightly sweet hard apple cider,
about 5% abv, and I'm just curious if anyone has subjective opinions
about carb levels -- still, low carbing, or heavy carbing?
I know people have preferences all over the map, but I'm curious if
any readers here have a deeper explanation for what the like and why.
Maybe they find high carbonation tends to wipe out the aroma, or
maybe too low tends to make cider seem dull -- whatever people think
is something I'd like to consider.
I do not find it too critical. I usually keep mine around 10-15 psi.
Mine is in kegs, and drops sometimes to around 5 where it starts to
flow slow, reminding me to add some more.
I ended up priming with more cider and bottling. Unfortunately, it carbed
up a lot faster than I was expecting and when I pasteurized in hot water
according to instructions I found online. There was too much C02 and a
couple of bottles blew.

Fortunately I had the lid of the pot on, but the sounds were pretty nerve
wracking and I was worried more were going to blow when I pulled them from
the bath.

Fortunately I got them all out and chilled and they seem stable, but
obviously I'm going to need to be a lot more careful if/when I do another
Bob F
2021-10-11 06:52:42 UTC
Post by Baloonon
Post by Bob F
Post by Baloonon
I'm about to carb up a batch of slightly sweet hard apple cider,
about 5% abv, and I'm just curious if anyone has subjective opinions
about carb levels -- still, low carbing, or heavy carbing?
I know people have preferences all over the map, but I'm curious if
any readers here have a deeper explanation for what the like and why.
Maybe they find high carbonation tends to wipe out the aroma, or
maybe too low tends to make cider seem dull -- whatever people think
is something I'd like to consider.
I do not find it too critical. I usually keep mine around 10-15 psi.
Mine is in kegs, and drops sometimes to around 5 where it starts to
flow slow, reminding me to add some more.
I ended up priming with more cider and bottling. Unfortunately, it carbed
up a lot faster than I was expecting and when I pasteurized in hot water
according to instructions I found online. There was too much C02 and a
couple of bottles blew.
Fortunately I had the lid of the pot on, but the sounds were pretty nerve
wracking and I was worried more were going to blow when I pulled them from
the bath.
Fortunately I got them all out and chilled and they seem stable, but
obviously I'm going to need to be a lot more careful if/when I do another
I never even heard of pasturizing it before.
2021-10-13 18:58:43 UTC
Post by Bob F
Post by Baloonon
Post by Bob F
Post by Baloonon
I'm about to carb up a batch of slightly sweet hard apple cider,
about 5% abv, and I'm just curious if anyone has subjective
opinions about carb levels -- still, low carbing, or heavy carbing?
I know people have preferences all over the map, but I'm curious if
any readers here have a deeper explanation for what the like and
why. Maybe they find high carbonation tends to wipe out the aroma,
or maybe too low tends to make cider seem dull -- whatever people
think is something I'd like to consider.
I do not find it too critical. I usually keep mine around 10-15 psi.
Mine is in kegs, and drops sometimes to around 5 where it starts to
flow slow, reminding me to add some more.
I ended up priming with more cider and bottling. Unfortunately, it
carbed up a lot faster than I was expecting and when I pasteurized in
hot water according to instructions I found online. There was too
much C02 and a couple of bottles blew.
Fortunately I had the lid of the pot on, but the sounds were pretty
nerve wracking and I was worried more were going to blow when I
pulled them from the bath.
Fortunately I got them all out and chilled and they seem stable, but
obviously I'm going to need to be a lot more careful if/when I do
another batch.
I never even heard of pasturizing it before.
I gather that a lot of people who force carb will use something like
potassium sorbate to stop the yeast, backsweeten and then carb.

Or just carb a dry fully fermented out batch.

For bottle conditioning zapping the yeast first obviously doesn't work.
This is an example of pasteurization:


In the past I've done small batch bottle carbing without pasteurization
where I just chilled the bottles quickly as soon as they hit a good carb
level, and then kept them in the fridge, but that's only practical for
me with a small batch because I don't have a separate fridge.

I've also made fully dried out cider and then bottle carbed with a small
amount of priming sugar. I like dry cider, but the better half doesn't
so I was trying to accommodate her tastes. I'll be more careful next
Bob F
2021-10-14 13:28:53 UTC
Post by Baloonon
Post by Bob F
Post by Baloonon
Post by Bob F
Post by Baloonon
I'm about to carb up a batch of slightly sweet hard apple cider,
about 5% abv, and I'm just curious if anyone has subjective
opinions about carb levels -- still, low carbing, or heavy carbing?
I know people have preferences all over the map, but I'm curious if
any readers here have a deeper explanation for what the like and
why. Maybe they find high carbonation tends to wipe out the aroma,
or maybe too low tends to make cider seem dull -- whatever people
think is something I'd like to consider.
I do not find it too critical. I usually keep mine around 10-15 psi.
Mine is in kegs, and drops sometimes to around 5 where it starts to
flow slow, reminding me to add some more.
I ended up priming with more cider and bottling. Unfortunately, it
carbed up a lot faster than I was expecting and when I pasteurized in
hot water according to instructions I found online. There was too
much C02 and a couple of bottles blew.
Fortunately I had the lid of the pot on, but the sounds were pretty
nerve wracking and I was worried more were going to blow when I
pulled them from the bath.
Fortunately I got them all out and chilled and they seem stable, but
obviously I'm going to need to be a lot more careful if/when I do
another batch.
I never even heard of pasturizing it before.
I gather that a lot of people who force carb will use something like
potassium sorbate to stop the yeast, backsweeten and then carb.
Or just carb a dry fully fermented out batch.
For bottle conditioning zapping the yeast first obviously doesn't work.
In the past I've done small batch bottle carbing without pasteurization
where I just chilled the bottles quickly as soon as they hit a good carb
level, and then kept them in the fridge, but that's only practical for
me with a small batch because I don't have a separate fridge.
I've also made fully dried out cider and then bottle carbed with a small
amount of priming sugar. I like dry cider, but the better half doesn't
so I was trying to accommodate her tastes. I'll be more careful next
You could just add a little sweetener when served. My wife likes it
sweeter too, and a paper match head of pure stevia extract does the job
nicely. Or, try a little honey.
